Why donate?

How it all started…

Welcome! This website began as a simple platform to organize and share my notes with students. What started as a personal project quickly grew into a valuable resource for learners, driven by a passion for education and technology.

The Evolving Journey…

I’m a teacher dedicated to creating high-quality educational content.

When one my students had the “aha!” moment from an animation that I created, I started to realize that content creation was the key. I started to produce notes that were concise, and record demonstrations so that studying became easier and efficient for my students.

Over the years, I’ve invested in software subscriptions like Camtasia for video editing, Snagit for screen captures, and Office 365, along with the costs of hosting this WordPress site. These tools have been essential in enhancing the learning experience for my students.

My approach…

I’m stepping up my game – investing more time into producing meaningful content that’s in complete service to all students , wherever you may be. My class is no longer the room where my students sit, rather my class are all those that I can reach here on islandclass.org

While I’ve covered these expenses to maintain the quality of our site, the growing costs are a reality. That’s why I’ve decided to open up the option for donations. This isn’t about making a profit, but about sustaining and improving the site. Your support, whether financial or simply through engagement, is deeply appreciated and will help continue this educational journey.

Remember, donating is completely optional. My content will always remain accessible to everyone, with or without donations. Your support in any form is invaluable, and together, we can keep this educational resource thriving.